Monday, September 9, 2013


Hello people! Summer is almost over and I hope that you had a great summer, like me.I have a lot of time to relax, do the homework and stay with my family and friends. I went to the beach, and i play with the surfboard and with de raquets, also I went to the swimmingpool and I relaxed with the mat or, sunbathing . I go with my friends to the cinema and we watched a scary movie titled "Expediente Warren", was fun but we were afraid, also another day i go with my family at cinema to see World War Z, is a very good film. I had time for the family and we made some barbecue and my cousin came to my house to sleep. This summer i went to Denia, Ibiza, Benicassim and Formentera, i had a great time.OF COURSE I ATE A LOT OF ICECREAMS and i prepare some cakes, the best lemon cake.unfortunately the summer is over and we back to the routine, i have wanted to see my classmates!

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