This summer i read a very good book called "Five children and it"The book is about five children that find in his new house a Psammead a sand-fairy that can give a wish for a day. The first wish of the children is to be rich, the psammead give to the children a lot of gold, but when they go to buy something the people thing that they steal the gold and call the policeman, her mother was very angy, but when the day finish, the pockets of the children were empty and the police cant do nothing.
The second wish of the children was can fly and the psammead give they wings, they go flying around the town, but everyone screamed when they saw them, and they go to the bell tower, when the day finish they dont have wings and they cant get off, church bussines help them and call her mother, she was very angry.
The next morning the Robert wish to be bigger than the Backers boy because he hit they, but the psammead do that robert measure 5 meters and he finish in a fair of extranges men, but when the day finish Rober be again normal. The psammead dont have more strong to give more wishes and the children think very good his last wish. His last wish is give jewels for her mother, but her mother dont want the jeweels and she return it and the children tells her mother the existence of the psammead, but she dont believe them and the children go out to say bye to the psammead.
I like very much this book, is interesting and funny and dont have a difficult vocabulary. I recommend it to all my classmates
The author is Edith Nesbit, He was born in London in 1858, but spent many of her early years in France an Germany. She was writing all her life, she get married with Hubert Bland and has 5 children, Edith die in Kent in 1924
Her Faumus books are The Story Of The Treasure Seekers and The Railway Children.
Five Children And It was filmed for television in 1992.
Bibliography: The book

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