For me, the night of the 3 kings, Melchor, Gaspar and Baltasar is the best of christmas, i love this night and is the Spanish Christmas tradition, but i don't like becvause at the next day we hace school. In the night we let them chocolates and nuts to the kings and their camels and then we go to sleep.
When we got up, running we will look for presents that are hidden around the house. When we find them, open them and "play" with them. For Carlos and Javi are two paddle raquets and for me are a jewelry and a Andy-z shoes. After breakfast and we went to play paddle at "Club Español de Tennis"
Then we ate fish rice and for dessert the king cake, in then two figures are hidden, if ur the king you are crowned king and if you touch the aba, you have to pay the kings cake next year.
After the kings cake the day of the kings finished and wait until next year.
To celebrate the new years eve i go to Denia with the Toni's parents. They were also my cousin Fernando and my uncles. We went for a walk on the beach and then we went to dinner, we dinner ham, shrimp, salad, foie gras, cheese ... etc After dinner we play a board game, Monopoly. When there were 10 minutes to the chimes we prepare grapes and went to the living room.
then the bells began ... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ,9 ,10, 11 and 12!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYBODY!!!
As every year I not have time to has all the grapes. After i call my father and my grandparents to congratulate the year, and then we continue with the Game of Monopoly. Finally at 3 o'clock we arrived at home, Fernando was left to sleep in my house. First we played with Carlos and Javi with the computer and then we saw a serie in the tablet, finally we go to sleep at 5 o'clock.
In my family the christmas day is a very special day, no only because is christmas also because it is THE BIRTHDAY OF MY MOTHER!!!
In de morning we go a restaurant in Denia with Toni's family, we are at the beach, after lunch, we gave the presents to my mother and then to the kids and we went to play on the beach.
At five o'clock we went home to rest because at half past 8 We went to dinner at the house of a friend of my mother. Usually we had dinner at my house but the friend of my mother wanted to teach her new home.
After dinner we sang happy birthday to my mother and gave her more presents, but we also gave us a nice present. At two o'clock we came home very tired after all day.
It was a fantastic day, he had a great time and I hope to repeat next year.
Old the years in my house my family celebrate christmas eve. Come to dinner all my uncles, in total there are 13. We have a very great time, Every year we ate the same, seafood and luncheon entrees, after my aunt makes lamb, de fruit we ate pineapple and all kinds of sweet dessert.
After dinner comes Santa Claus, my cousin is excited,
Santa gave me two sweaters, to my brother two sweatshirts and for my cousin a t-shirt and a One Direction cd. The presents are under the tree and when we opened we tried everything and then we put de cd and we danced a lot.
My cousin was soon tired and at one o'clock they all went home.
Every year we had a great and enjoyed time, I love that at least once a year we see all the family in a very special night like this. I LOVE CHRISTMAS EVE